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FENGZE METAL > News > Company News > On Oct. 16th to 18th 2013, our company participated in the International Metallurgical Industry Exposition.
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Strategic goal: Create first-class quality, forge metal with souls
Trade promotes production, production furthers trade
Mission: To be abundant in China, to be beneficial everywhere
Business philosophy: Survive by quality, develop on creativity
Dream: Struggle for astronautics of humankind
Service philosophy: Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar
Trade promotes production, production furthers trade
Mission: To be abundant in China, to be beneficial everywhere
Business philosophy: Survive by quality, develop on creativity
Dream: Struggle for astronautics of humankind
Service philosophy: Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar
On Oct. 16th to 18th 2013, our company participated in the International Metallurgical Industry Exposition.
On Oct. 16th to 18th 2013, the boss of Fengze Metal Materials Co., Ltd. Mr. Wang Weigang accompanied with the sales manager Diana Du and two salesgirls Anna Fan and Marie He took part in the International Metallurgical Industry Exhibition that was held by Peking Metal Institution, China Nonferrous Metal Society, Beijing Mechanical Engineering Society, China Equipment Managing Society as well as Peking Haiwen Exhibition Corporate. Companies from China, Germany, the United States, Morocco, the Great Brain, Japan, Korea, India, Turkey and the other parts of the world attended this exhibition, too. This exhibition not only promoted the international trade but also accelerated the friendship among countries around the world.
If you have any questions,
Call: +86-(0)917-3565328
Call: +86-(0)917-3565328
No.195 Gaoxin Road
Titinum Valley Building
Baoji Hi-tech Zone
Shaanxi province, China
No.195 Gaoxin Road
Titinum Valley Building
Baoji Hi-tech Zone
Shaanxi province, China